114727 - no subject - Hi, I would like to Create a Report with

Hi, I would like to Create a Report with list of users and groups they are associated to. Can someone suggest me solutions...


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  • Deepan, Please try this.
    Create a CDT with varriables groupName(Text) and userName(Text)
    declare the multiple variable of type cdt.
    "getallgroups()" will return all the group ID's in Appian, save it to array groupID
    now in a multiple instance script task node pass groupID[tp!instanceindex]as a parameter to function getgroupmembership() and get all the users of each group and save it to varriable CDT.UserName.
    Paralelly, get the groupname by passing cdt.groupid[tp!instanceindex]as a parameter to function getgroupattribute() and save it to CDT.groupName.
    Now you have the username and the groupname corresponding to the user in the CDT Array, you can display it in a grid or use HTML Display functions to display it to the user. Give a refresh button on the page which will execute these nodes again and will get the new users added to the system. Hope this helps
  • Deepan, Please try this.
    Create a CDT with varriables groupName(Text) and userName(Text)
    declare the multiple variable of type cdt.
    "getallgroups()" will return all the group ID's in Appian, save it to array groupID
    now in a multiple instance script task node pass groupID[tp!instanceindex]as a parameter to function getgroupmembership() and get all the users of each group and save it to varriable CDT.UserName.
    Paralelly, get the groupname by passing cdt.groupid[tp!instanceindex]as a parameter to function getgroupattribute() and save it to CDT.groupName.
    Now you have the username and the groupname corresponding to the user in the CDT Array, you can display it in a grid or use HTML Display functions to display it to the user. Give a refresh button on the page which will execute these nodes again and will get the new users added to the system. Hope this helps
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