115504 - no subject - I want to create a My Tasks report for a

I want to create a My Tasks report for a specific process model. Is there a function like isMyTask() so I can filter the tasks per model? Or ...


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  • Every model has properties pm!id and pm!name. You can create a column referencing one of those properties, and then filter by that. (Filtering by pm!id is more efficient, but pm!id changes across environments.) To include multiple models, e.g. subprocesses, do an IN filter rather than an =.
    Note all viewers of this report must have view access to the model to be able to evaluate the pm! properties.
  • Every model has properties pm!id and pm!name. You can create a column referencing one of those properties, and then filter by that. (Filtering by pm!id is more efficient, but pm!id changes across environments.) To include multiple models, e.g. subprocesses, do an IN filter rather than an =.
    Note all viewers of this report must have view access to the model to be able to evaluate the pm! properties.
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