122935 - no subject - I have implemented a simplistic Load Bal

I have implemented a simplistic Load Balancing approach in task assignment using the 'Analytics->Execute Process Report' smart node, as suggested by Appian here.
The report (attached) lists the people within a given group along with the number of assigned tasks on each of them.

The problem, though, is that although the tasks are assigned to a person in the group, this is not reflected on the report! Or to be accurate, this is reflected either after many hours (and sometimes never).

This is getting too frustrating, as all of our project depends on this mechanism's operation and I cannot what is wrong here.

Any clue anyone?...


Tasks Count for Group Members.arf

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  • I haven't looked into your report, but I'm assuming you are aggregating the report to get the total count. If so, can you try and see what info is returned when you don't aggregate. I am trying to figure out that you have the right filters. Your statement that it appears late (etc) would indicate that you might have a filter that says accepted tasks - which means that the report won't show the data unless the task is accepted but the task could have been assigned to the user.

    Please take a look along this line and see if it helps.
  • I haven't looked into your report, but I'm assuming you are aggregating the report to get the total count. If so, can you try and see what info is returned when you don't aggregate. I am trying to figure out that you have the right filters. Your statement that it appears late (etc) would indicate that you might have a filter that says accepted tasks - which means that the report won't show the data unless the task is accepted but the task could have been assigned to the user.

    Please take a look along this line and see if it helps.
No Data