129568 - no subject - Hi,\nI want to generate Excel document i

I want to generate Excel document in process and open it. Is that possible (I mean I am able to generate Excel file but don't know how to open it)?
The process should be run by Tempo user - he/she clicks on button or link which starts the process that at the end opens te document for the user.
Please advise....


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  • I am developing on Appian for several years now, but there is always new things to learn.
    When you generate the document, remember to delete it after some time if it is not needed anymore.
    When you generate a Excel file the way I proposed you are able to use formatting and even Excel expressions. I case you need that it is more flexible than using templates.
  • I am developing on Appian for several years now, but there is always new things to learn.
    When you generate the document, remember to delete it after some time if it is not needed anymore.
    When you generate a Excel file the way I proposed you are able to use formatting and even Excel expressions. I case you need that it is more flexible than using templates.
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