155994 - no subject - Hi,\n\nWe have a report with 1400 rows(i


We have a report with 1400 rows(in production System), the export from the portal reports is taking long time and then it breaks(doesn't produce excel, just says page can't be displayed).
I can't see any errors in the logs as well. there are nearly 800 instances that don't have data(only start time).

The same report in other environment has around 500 rows, out of which 200 don't have any data other than start time(seems as instances started and left as such). when I try to export these 200 rows with almost no data it takes a lot of time and then some rows at the tail end are truncated. On the contrary when I export the good data (300 rows) it is instantly exported without any truncation.

Is the blank records in the report(In Prod) a real issue for the report failing? Just want to confirm my observation. Although I would assume empty data should get exported quickly and just update one column where the value is present, but it seems other way round. ...


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