163178 - no subject - Has anyone had trouble with getting resu

Has anyone had trouble with getting results from a getportalreportdatasubet[] within a process model?
We are using it to get the task id's for user reassignmnet, when ran independently we get the results as expected. When ran as the sub process (from the parent process) no results are found.
Thinking it was a timeout issue we placed the the report within an expression rule but saw no differences.

Another weird thing is if we restart the process -and change no variables- it will return the variables we want.
Any suggestions?

pagingInfo: topaginginfo(1,-1),
contextIds: {},
filters: {
{field: "3", operator: "LIKE", value: pv!DelegationProcessSubType_Txt},
{field: "7", operator: "LIKE", value: pv!originalAssigneeUsername},
{field: "9", operator: "EQUAL", value: "RM Exception Submission"}


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  • Hello - I was actually able to resolve this yesterday. It was a timing issue of the input/output variables being populated. When ran as a sub-process the input variable was populated after the output variable causing us to have zero results from the report. However when the process was ran independently the input variable was populated before the output variable and results were as expected. We simply split the variables into two nodes and our issue was resolved.
    Thank you all for the help!
  • Hello - I was actually able to resolve this yesterday. It was a timing issue of the input/output variables being populated. When ran as a sub-process the input variable was populated after the output variable causing us to have zero results from the report. However when the process was ran independently the input variable was populated before the output variable and results were as expected. We simply split the variables into two nodes and our issue was resolved.
    Thank you all for the help!
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