173229 - no subject - We have a Portal Report that work on ver

We have a Portal Report that work on version 7.3 to read some data from a CDT process variable. The Department columns in this report is configured to get its value from the following expression.


All the other columns are defined using the same CDTs in the same fashion. The Portal Report takes care of formatting and looping; which is nice.

Now, we want to replace this Portal Report with a Dynamic Channel that displayed the table as displayed below. How can we achieve that and loop on the CDTs while doing the same if-condition as we did in Portal Report?



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  • You can achieve this by creating an expression rule which takes your 2 inputs, and decides which one to return by utilizing isnull() as you do above - then in your dynamic grid utilize: apply(rule!yourExpressionHere,merge(pv!cdtHighLevelEstimate1.tDeptAssigned,pv!cdtHighLevelEstimateLevel2.tDeptAssigned)).

    Your custom expression rule would have 2 inputs, say Estimate1 and Estimate2, and work as:

  • Thanks csteward, let me explain what I am trying to achieve a bit more ...

    The expression takes two input CDTs (both multiple)

    Each CDT contain text fields that represent:
    Due Date

    Uptil now, I was able to obtain the attached table using the following expression:

    and(rule!fdCheckIsNull(pv!cdtHighLevelEstimate1),rule!fdCheckIsNull(pv!cdtHighLevelEstimate2)),"No Data available for Pipeline View.",

    rule!fdGetPipelineViewHeader() &
    merge({"text1"}, {"text2"}, {"text3"}, {"text4"}, {"text5"}, {"text6"})

    The question is: I would like to have the table populated from CDT arrays following the rules below:

    1- if(isnull(pv!cdtHighLevelEstimate1.tDeptAssigned),pv!cdtHighLevelEstimateLevel2.tDeptAssigned,pv!cdtHighLevelEstimate1.tDeptAssigned),
    2- if(isnull(pv!cdtHighLevelEstimate1.iTaskId),pv!cdtHighLevelEstimateLevel2.tStatus ,pv!cdtHighLevelEstimate1.tStatus),
    3- text(todate(if(isnull(pv!cdtHighLevelEstimate1.iTaskId),pv!cdtHighLevelEstimateLevel2.dTaskDueDate,pv!cdtHighLevelEstimate1.dTaskDueDate)),"mmm dd, yyyy"),
    4- text(todate(if(isnull(pv!cdtHighLevelEstimate1.iTaskId),pv!cdtHighLevelEstimateLevel2.dTaskStartTime,pv!cdtHighLevelEstimate1.dTaskStartTime)),"mmm dd, yyyy"),
    5- text(todate(if(isnull(pv!cdtHighLevelEstimate1.iTaskId),pv!cdtHighLevelEstimateLevel2.dTaskEndTime,pv!cdtHighLevelEstimate1.dTaskEndTime)),"mmm dd, yyyy"),
    6- index ( {cons!FD_DD_HIGH_LEVEL_ESTIMATES_DISPLAY , cons!FD_DD_HIGH_LEVEL_ESTIMATES_UPDATED_DISPLAY} , lookup ( {cons!FD_DD_HIGH_LEVEL_ESTIMATES_VALUE , cons!FD_DD_HIGH_LEVEL_ESTIMATES_UPDATED_VALUE}, if ( isnull ( pv!cdtHighLevelEstimate1 .iTaskId ) , pv!cdtHighLevelEstimateLevel2 .tHighLevelEstimate , pv!cdtHighLevelEstimate1 .tHighLevelEstimate ) , - 1 ) , "Not Available" )

    Do you think there is a way to use the merge() function for that? Will it loop on the CDT array accessing each field? Is there a right syntax for this?


  • I believe you will be able to use apply() and merge(), you will just need a few helper rules. For example, to test this out with columns 1, 2 and 3, create these helper rules:





    Then the table would be defined as:

              apply(fn!text,apply(fn!todate(apply(rule!getPipelineData2,merge(pv!cdtHighLevelEstimate1.iTaskId,pv!cdtHighLevelEstimateLevel2.dTaskDueDate,pv!cdtHighLevelEstimate1.dTaskDueDate))),"mmm dd, yyyy")

    Try that out, let me know if it works from you - we can expand from there.
  • Note, I noticed a type in the table expression. Try:

              apply(fn!text,apply(fn!todate,apply(rule!getPipelineData2,merge(pv!cdtHighLevelEstimate1.iTaskId,pv!cdtHighLevelEstimateLevel2.dTaskDueDate,pv!cdtHighLevelEstimate1.dTaskDueDate))),"mmm dd, yyyy")
  • We are retrieving 2 tables data from the query rule. for couple of columns the data is empty.
    for example: taskDueDate is coming from second table but the table does not have any record. so here we are failing. Please help us.
  • Is the query rule not retrieving data when table 2 is empty? Have you tried the expressions above? Any additional information you can provide as far as exactly what is happening would he helpful.
  • Yes the table 2 data is empty. we have tried the above expression. its failing when w try to check the null values which is returning the empty row.