177603 - no subject - I am facing 500 internal server code whi

I am facing 500 internal server code while trying to export report data into excel. Am using ExportableDataSubset, export to excel plugin - getdatasubsetdownloadlinkfromrule function.
First I have been pulling the data based on the report filters and then need to modify the datasubset for pulling few other details based on the values retrieved, so I have used updatecdt function. Below is what I found before and after modifying the datasubsets which be might causing the issue, for modified datasubset, identifiers are different:

First datasuset: [startIndex=1, batchSize=-1, sort=[field=createdDate, ascending=false], totalCount=3, data=[id:6637,requestId:536930204,mainCategory:Anti-Money Laundering,serviceRequestType:Enhanced Due Diligence,workflowStatus:Pending With AML,accountNumber:A98765432,createdDate:10/21/2015 6:48 AM PDT,lastModifiedUser:riyazfa,createdBy:riyaz,requestClosedDate:,signature:,boUser:]; [id:6622,requestId:536930052,mainCategory:Anti-Mone...



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