I have a UI in report with various fields kept as search filters.

I have a UI in report with various fields kept as search filters. I have used a!queryFilter to find the match from text entered by user to check in database.

One such field search in UI has values saved as encrypted text in database.

So when i make a search, with eg. "Box" in UI and same is saved as "hsk826e874213evsdbadch8edvdjvsnacvds" in backend. How to achieve the search as a!queryFilter() or anyother can be user to perform the search.

In above scenario - if i enter "hsk" result is returned. If i enter "Box" no results is found.


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  • Hi Kalpana, Please dis regard my previous comment. sorry for the confusion.

    I understand that you are using a!encryptedTextField() in order to store the information in encrypted format.

    We may be able to get this working only for "EQUALS" where we can use the same field pattern and try to use it in the query entity.. other operations will not work as the encrypted text will be differ for each of the values i mean for Box, Bo, B the values will be different.
  • Hi Kalpana, Please dis regard my previous comment. sorry for the confusion.

    I understand that you are using a!encryptedTextField() in order to store the information in encrypted format.

    We may be able to get this working only for "EQUALS" where we can use the same field pattern and try to use it in the query entity.. other operations will not work as the encrypted text will be differ for each of the values i mean for Box, Bo, B the values will be different.
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