195603 - no subject - Hi All,\n\nI have created a report with

Hi All,

I have created a report with few filters. The batch size for the grid is 20. All the filter work fine when the startindex for batch size is 1, but it gives an error when the startindex changes to 21, 41, 61 and so on.

The error it displays is:
Expression evaluation error in rule 'icams_inventoryagingreport' at function a!gridField [line 118]: A grid component [label=“”] has an invalid value for “value” and “totalCount”. “startIndex” must not be greater than “totalCount”, but “startIndex” was 21 and “totalCount” was 1.

Any directions for this one?


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  • @saileshd I would like to suggest you to attach the code snippet. Doing so helps the practitioners to resolve the issue much faster.

    To the best of my knowledge, a simple pagination reset as mentioned by @Tim Clarke should resolve the error issue you have experienced earlier.

    Additionally check what your interface is doing when you try to paginate. That is, check if the interface refreshes the datasubset by fetching a new set of data when the user tries to paginate the grid. Technically speaking, load the datasubset with the new paginginfo and existing data(if the entire dataset is already queried and stored in the variable) or load the datasubset with a fresh query and the new paginginfo as an argument to the query. The new paginginfo is nothing but the value you have been using for the paging grid and should be available as save!value or paginginfo variable post saving. And this refresh could be made in 'saveInto' of paging grid component or with().
  • @saileshd I would like to suggest you to attach the code snippet. Doing so helps the practitioners to resolve the issue much faster.

    To the best of my knowledge, a simple pagination reset as mentioned by @Tim Clarke should resolve the error issue you have experienced earlier.

    Additionally check what your interface is doing when you try to paginate. That is, check if the interface refreshes the datasubset by fetching a new set of data when the user tries to paginate the grid. Technically speaking, load the datasubset with the new paginginfo and existing data(if the entire dataset is already queried and stored in the variable) or load the datasubset with a fresh query and the new paginginfo as an argument to the query. The new paginginfo is nothing but the value you have been using for the paging grid and should be available as save!value or paginginfo variable post saving. And this refresh could be made in 'saveInto' of paging grid component or with().
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