207571 - no subject - \n\nHello !\n\nWe are using a!queryProce

Hello !

We are using a!queryProcessAnalytics in an expression rule with a rule input of type number(integer)- ri!instancesList, to check if some instance ids are active.

The code of the expression rule is below:

= load(
local!result: a!queryProcessAnalytics(
query: a!query(
pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(
startIndex: 1,
batchSize: - 1
logicalExpression: a!queryLogicalExpression(
operator: "AND",
filters: {
field: "c0",
operator: "in",
value: ri!instancesList
local!result.totalCount = 0,

This expression rule is called on the output of a script task in several processes in our application
From time to t...


Viewing Report Calculation Times and Metrics.xlsx

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  • ...ime the expression rule does not retrieve anything(i.e local!result.totalCount=0) allthough there are always some instances which are active.

    Why does a!queryProcessAnalytics behaves that way ? My concern is that the portal report is generating a time-out from time to time although is executing in less than 1s

    The portal report queried by a!queryProcess analytics is a portal report with the context(Processes by Process Model) and has only 1 column(The process ids-pp!id) and is filtered to return only the active instances. The number of rows displayed per page in the report is 25. The report has les than 10.000 rows in total, so less than the maximum number configured at platform level for a report. Attached also the performance metrics of the report(Viewing Report Calculation Times and Metrics file)
  • ...ime the expression rule does not retrieve anything(i.e local!result.totalCount=0) allthough there are always some instances which are active.

    Why does a!queryProcessAnalytics behaves that way ? My concern is that the portal report is generating a time-out from time to time although is executing in less than 1s

    The portal report queried by a!queryProcess analytics is a portal report with the context(Processes by Process Model) and has only 1 column(The process ids-pp!id) and is filtered to return only the active instances. The number of rows displayed per page in the report is 25. The report has les than 10.000 rows in total, so less than the maximum number configured at platform level for a report. Attached also the performance metrics of the report(Viewing Report Calculation Times and Metrics file)
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