Query Process Analytics getting time out

We have a task report, even if the filters are applied to the report it is fetching all the data.
Since the number of active tasks for the application is more than 1000, it increases the CPU utilization.
We are receiving some warning logs because of this.
snippets from the logs : "Total: Total (Report named 'CIC Tasks Report' (report document id 14972), maximum report time 2000ms) affected 694 rows"
To reduce this we are thinking of reducing the unnecessary columns from the report and to increase the timelimit in custom.properties for this.
Can someone help regarding this.


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  • @shailjas In this case, I think you may need to optimise the report. As pointed by @alok.mohare earlier, it might be worth going through the documentation at https://forum.appian.com/suite/help/16.2/Report_Performance_Details.html and try to improve the performance as much as you can. There might be various ways of doing this, for instance, you may split the data across multiple reports or rework on the complex expressions that are being used.

    Another way is to increase the value of server.conf.processcommon.MAXIMUM_REPORT_MS in the server but you should keenly observe the @csteward's experience of increasing the value.
  • @shailjas In this case, I think you may need to optimise the report. As pointed by @alok.mohare earlier, it might be worth going through the documentation at https://forum.appian.com/suite/help/16.2/Report_Performance_Details.html and try to improve the performance as much as you can. There might be various ways of doing this, for instance, you may split the data across multiple reports or rework on the complex expressions that are being used.

    Another way is to increase the value of server.conf.processcommon.MAXIMUM_REPORT_MS in the server but you should keenly observe the @csteward's experience of increasing the value.
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