Business Data from Process Variable required in Process Report

We have a process report in the context of a single process model. This process model has around 20 - 25 nested sub processes with human task(s) in it. Our requirement is to show a task report from where a group of users can view the status of various tasks (active, assigned and completed) and do reassignment if necessary.

Now we have no issue in showing the task related metrics like taskName, status, assignedTo, etc. But we also need few business process data (such as requestId, requestType, businessUnit) to be shown in the report (and option to use filters on them). All these process data are present in one particular CDT which flows across all the process models.

But here the issue is the name of process variable used in each sub process are different (since they were created by different people for various purpose and later integrated for this workf...


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  • ... time limit for generating this report has been exceeded. Please review the report performance details for guidance on tuning the report" which i guess is mainly due to high evaluation time taken for each task. This is for a single column. If we add a similar condition for all the required columns, the overhead of column value evaluation will even go high.

    3. if we define new set of primitive variables only in parent process model and capture the required metrics in first step (so that atleast new instances has the report data), we are getting the data only for tasks in this particular process model. This issue is similar to #1 as the variable is not present in other process models.

    Now we cannot rename variables in all the process to match the parent process model due to the required development and testing effort.

    We got only one more options left to try

    1. Modify all the sub processes to have a new parameter variable as of parent model say 'gblRequestDetails_...
  • ... time limit for generating this report has been exceeded. Please review the report performance details for guidance on tuning the report" which i guess is mainly due to high evaluation time taken for each task. This is for a single column. If we add a similar condition for all the required columns, the overhead of column value evaluation will even go high.

    3. if we define new set of primitive variables only in parent process model and capture the required metrics in first step (so that atleast new instances has the report data), we are getting the data only for tasks in this particular process model. This issue is similar to #1 as the variable is not present in other process models.

    Now we cannot rename variables in all the process to match the parent process model due to the required development and testing effort.

    We got only one more options left to try

    1. Modify all the sub processes to have a new parameter variable as of parent model say 'gblRequestDetails_...
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