Tasks which are assigned to in appropriate Users

Hi All,

we have a scenario like a task is assigned to a set of users which are coming from the DB, say A, B C and D here are the scenarios

1. A,B,C are the active users D is an inactive User, the task is getting assigned to A,B,C,D
2. A,B,C are the active users D is a non user of Appian, the task is not assigned to anyone.

Now if I am having the process instance and in that instance is having these 2 Active Tasks with the below assignments, in the dashboard of the instance, I can see only the task with the assignment 1 but , I couldn't see the other task with assignment 2.Is there any issue for not showing it in the task list of the dashboard. and I can also see in the assignees column it is showing the data as null, but in the active tasks column it is showing as 2.

Is there any way where I can show both the tasks in the dashboard.


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