Tasks which are assigned to in appropriate Users

Hi All,

we have a scenario like a task is assigned to a set of users which are coming from the DB, say A, B C and D here are the scenarios

1. A,B,C are the active users D is an inactive User, the task is getting assigned to A,B,C,D
2. A,B,C are the active users D is a non user of Appian, the task is not assigned to anyone.

Now if I am having the process instance and in that instance is having these 2 Active Tasks with the below assignments, in the dashboard of the instance, I can see only the task with the assignment 1 but , I couldn't see the other task with assignment 2.Is there any issue for not showing it in the task list of the dashboard. and I can also see in the assignees column it is showing the data as null, but in the active tasks column it is showing as 2.

Is there any way where I can show both the tasks in the dashboard.


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  • @harshav To know about those tasks that have inexistent users as task assignees, you may do as follows to get the information:

    1. Use 'Get Processes By Node Status' smart service at http://bit.ly/2gC4t9H. Inputs to it are:
    a. process model uuid (Process model you would like to target)
    b. Process Node uuid (uuid of the User Input Task that holds dynamic assignee information)
    c. Process Node Status (TASK STATUS ASSIGNED = 0)

    Run the smart service and capture the 'Activity IDs' in the output. These 'Activity IDs' are the task ids. Now among these task ids, there are ones that are being shown in the report and not shown in the report(the second scenario of yours).

    2. Create a report of category Tasks Per Process Model (on the Process Model which you would like to know about invisible tasks). Add task id as a column to the report.

    3. Query the report created in the above step and get all the active task ids.

    4. difference(output of step 1, output of step 3) are nothing but the tasks that have gone invisible and one of the reasons is the second scenario.

    If the in-flights are concerning the Business, choose one among the following solutions to fix the tasks that we get as output from above:
    1. Use Reassign Task smart service and reassign the tasks whose task ids are nothing but the output that we get from the above-mentioned 4th step.
    2. Make an inflight modification to the processes(whose tasks have gone invisible) in such a way that these processes include a new version of User Input Task which queries the DB for assignee information but removes inexistent users. Or you may update the assignees variable(provided if you are storing the assignee information in a variable), cancel the existing task and restart the task. There are numerous ways of doing this and you may opt for any. The reason why I am mentioning this option is, Reassign Task smart service didn't work on the invisible tasks when I replicated this scenario.
  • @harshav To know about those tasks that have inexistent users as task assignees, you may do as follows to get the information:

    1. Use 'Get Processes By Node Status' smart service at http://bit.ly/2gC4t9H. Inputs to it are:
    a. process model uuid (Process model you would like to target)
    b. Process Node uuid (uuid of the User Input Task that holds dynamic assignee information)
    c. Process Node Status (TASK STATUS ASSIGNED = 0)

    Run the smart service and capture the 'Activity IDs' in the output. These 'Activity IDs' are the task ids. Now among these task ids, there are ones that are being shown in the report and not shown in the report(the second scenario of yours).

    2. Create a report of category Tasks Per Process Model (on the Process Model which you would like to know about invisible tasks). Add task id as a column to the report.

    3. Query the report created in the above step and get all the active task ids.

    4. difference(output of step 1, output of step 3) are nothing but the tasks that have gone invisible and one of the reasons is the second scenario.

    If the in-flights are concerning the Business, choose one among the following solutions to fix the tasks that we get as output from above:
    1. Use Reassign Task smart service and reassign the tasks whose task ids are nothing but the output that we get from the above-mentioned 4th step.
    2. Make an inflight modification to the processes(whose tasks have gone invisible) in such a way that these processes include a new version of User Input Task which queries the DB for assignee information but removes inexistent users. Or you may update the assignees variable(provided if you are storing the assignee information in a variable), cancel the existing task and restart the task. There are numerous ways of doing this and you may opt for any. The reason why I am mentioning this option is, Reassign Task smart service didn't work on the invisible tasks when I replicated this scenario.
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