Report with a variable number of columns

What would be the best approach to create a report with a variable number of columns?

I am creating a report that aggregates project cost data by customer and division that can be filtered by certain project attributes. I can create a DB view with a variable number of columns, but I'm not sure if Appian data types support a variable number of fields.

I've attached a mockup of what the base data looks like and what the report I am looking to create looks like.


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  • For a similar kind of requirement in past we build a query to generate dynamic pivot table and exported it to excel.
    To my best knowledge it is not possible to create grid showing true dynamic pivot table as you are expecting.
    A work around implementation for this is
    1.          creating a display cdt with N (Maximum number of columns possible )values,
    2.          Map values to these columns(A little tricky part but can be done by doing row by row)
    3.          Displaying columns only if they have values. (using apply components)

    Please let me know if you need help in implementing with Maximum of N columns approach. But I recommend going for exporting dynamic pivot table to excel if possible.
  • For a similar kind of requirement in past we build a query to generate dynamic pivot table and exported it to excel.
    To my best knowledge it is not possible to create grid showing true dynamic pivot table as you are expecting.
    A work around implementation for this is
    1.          creating a display cdt with N (Maximum number of columns possible )values,
    2.          Map values to these columns(A little tricky part but can be done by doing row by row)
    3.          Displaying columns only if they have values. (using apply components)

    Please let me know if you need help in implementing with Maximum of N columns approach. But I recommend going for exporting dynamic pivot table to excel if possible.
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