Compare Joined String to an Array in a Query Filter

I am trying to compare a field that is a joined array of customer locations (ex: "Factory A; Factory X; Factory Y") to an array locations put in as a filter (user selects "Factory X"). Essentially what I would like to have happen is if any part of this array {"Factory X", "Factory Z"} is present in this field "Factory A; Factory X; Factory Y" then I'd like to return that record.

Is this possible?


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  • @ravitejavj, hmm so loop a queryFilter using a!applyComponents; I'll try that out.

    @Sally Mason, I've tried using the operator includes, but it has trouble with an string array as the value parameter, I get the error below:
    "Expression evaluation error in rule 'pd_getopportunitiesforbudgetreport' at function a!queryEntity: Cannot apply operator [INCLUDES] to field [customerFab] when comparing to value [TypedValue[it=103,v={Intel - F42}]]."
  • @ravitejavj, hmm so loop a queryFilter using a!applyComponents; I'll try that out.

    @Sally Mason, I've tried using the operator includes, but it has trouble with an string array as the value parameter, I get the error below:
    "Expression evaluation error in rule 'pd_getopportunitiesforbudgetreport' at function a!queryEntity: Cannot apply operator [INCLUDES] to field [customerFab] when comparing to value [TypedValue[it=103,v={Intel - F42}]]."
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