Hello All,We have upgraded our environment to 20.1 how do i check our environment is Appian RPA enabled?How do i start creating Appian RPA things?
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Connect with your Account Manager for more information on how to move forward with RPA.
Hi Robert.Just want to know is Appian RPA comes with new update for cloud environment or explicitly we need enable?I mean is it extra chargable to company partner?
Hi Shubham -
This page from the RPA documentation describes the current customer terms of service for Appian RPA.Reach out to your partner executive for more information.
Appian RPA is available for partners in their demo sites at no extra cost. Designated support contacts at Partner organizations need to accept a click wrap agreement in Forum prior to activating RPA on your demo instances.
You can confirm if your demo instance has Appian RPA activated by looking in the "waffle" icon in designer: