Import and export the Robotic Processes

Dear Experts,

Can you please explain me, how to import and export the Robotic processes from one environment to another.

Thanks in advance.



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  • We can export a robot in ZIP format, making it possible to be imported later, no matter if it is done on the same console or on a different one.

    For this purpose, we have to use the available options located in the Robotic Processes section of the console, as commented below.

    Exporting a Robot

    To export a robot, we must go to its configuration page and, once there, click on the icon Download robot configuration (   ), located in the upper right-hand corner. This will download a ZIP file which name, extension excluded, will be the same as its identifier.

    Importing a Robot

    To import a robot, we must go to the main page of the Robotic processes section and click on the icon Upload robot configuration (   ), located in the upper right-hand corner. After doing this, a pop-up window of our browser will show up to load the file, where we must select the ZIP file with the robot to import. After uploading the file, we will have the robot deployed on the console. 

  • Thank you so much your response Jesus.

