Maven setting

Hi all,

I am trying to configure the RPA resource. The final Maven setting does not work and results in error.

I have tried to give the credentials and all the URL info but still pops up with same message.

The same works fine when I initiate from my personal PC but when I try to work on the same logic with my official Pc there is an error thrown.

Is there something am I missing to configure or set up

I specified my URL as : https://<mysite>/rpa-repo/

I gave my credentials too 

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  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer


    I am Curious, Are you installing maven on the resource?  When you install Maven is because you are going to use Java to build bots. Are you going to do that? 

    If the answer is Yes, the recommendation is to install maven on the machine where you will develop the robots not in the resource. By other hand, the idea of the configurator is to help you configure the settings.xml file. If you have done it on another machine pointed to the same console, the easiest way is to copy the settings.xml file from c:/Users/<win_user>/.m2 and copy it to the same address on your new machine.

    If the answer is No, you can skip the maven configuration.


  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer


    I am Curious, Are you installing maven on the resource?  When you install Maven is because you are going to use Java to build bots. Are you going to do that? 

    If the answer is Yes, the recommendation is to install maven on the machine where you will develop the robots not in the resource. By other hand, the idea of the configurator is to help you configure the settings.xml file. If you have done it on another machine pointed to the same console, the easiest way is to copy the settings.xml file from c:/Users/<win_user>/.m2 and copy it to the same address on your new machine.

    If the answer is No, you can skip the maven configuration.


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