Maven Setting Error


I am trying to do 'Maven Setting' with Appian RPA Configurator.

However, an error message below is poped up.

・Authentication Error!: Check that the provided console repository URL and the maven API key are valid.

This means that the provided console repository URL and the maven API key I input  is incorrect, isn't it?

Please let me know if there is a possible cause other than incorrect input of the value.

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  • Hi:

    That means that at least one of the three next values is wrong

    - URL to the Appian RPA console's repository: For example, If your Appian community site is the repository's URL is 

    - Appian username: Your username used to login to Appian's site

    - Maven API Key: In the Appian RPA console, the settings icon is located in the upper right corner. When you click on the wheel, the "Refresh Maven Key" option appears. By clicking on it, the new key will appear.

    Please, review these values.

    Additionally, to be sure that there are nothing wrong in your environment you could remove your ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml. The configurator will create a new one if it is not present, and will generate a new tag "server" with the id "jidoka" with the configuration provided. 

  • Thank you for reply.

    I see the configurator create a new settings.xml after I remove the old settings.xml.
    values of URL to the Appian RPA console's repository, Appian username and Maven API Key in the settings.xml is correct.

    I have input URL to the Appian RPA console's repository, Appian username and Maven API Key to Appian RPA Configurator many times.
    However, the error persists.

    Could you let me know if proxy settings are required in settings.xml?

  • Hi

    I would like to confirm if these values I input in Appian RPA Repository is correct.

    Below are the actual values I input.

    -URL to the Appian RPA console's repository: 

    -Appian username:

    - Maven API Key: 

    I input the values described above many times , but I'm getting an error.
    Could tell me what I should do?

    Thank you.

  • Hi;

    The input data are correct. The problem must be, as you have indicated above, is that if you do not have direct output to the internet, you will need to configure the proxy. 

    You will indeed have to configure the proxy in your file. You can search the internet for how to do it, but I think it's an entry like this one:


    Additionally, I take this opportunity to invite you to tell us what limitations you have found in the Low Code modules of Appian RPA to decide to implement your own Java methods.
    It is possible that we can make some recommendations based on Low Code that can help you.
    If you wish, you can start a new discussion.

  • Hi

    Thank you for reply.

    I have one question.

    Could you share me the list of networks that should be allowed to connect in order to build the environment for developing Appian RPA robots.
    My PC environment does not allow connections to most networks.
    I need to ask my administrator to add the list of networks I want to connect to to the whitelist.

    Finally, I will explain why I decided to build an Appian RPA robot.
    I would like to mainly implement 1~4 with Appian, but it seemed difficult to implement with low code.
    1. Connect to MS Access DB and synchronize data between Appian and MS Access
    2. input values and lists entered in specific sheets of MS Excel to Appian
    3. Enter a value from Appian to a specific cell in a specific sheet of MS Excel
    4. Execute macro/VBA defined in MS Excel from Appian