I am bserving in the project some errors related to Maven with a text like Project build error: Non-resolvable parent POM
So, I try to request an Update Maven Project in Eclipse becouse Appain Document states To perform this update, we must go to the project root in Eclipse and press ALT + F5, which will request an Update Maven Project. When the pop-up window shows up, we can also mark the option Force Update of Snapshots/Releases to be even more sure.in docs.appian.com/.../IDE-setup.html
However, I am getting an error below."Help document /de.jcup.sqleditor/html/open-label-reference.html cannot be opened."
I have no idea what is open-label-reference.html.
Could you tell me what I should do to resolve it?
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Hello, I appreciate your interest in Appian RPA, but I would like to take a moment to understand why you are following this IDE setup rather than using Appian RPA's low code capabilities. I know this is not an answer for you - but I would like to take the opportunity to learn more about your reason for using Java / Maven instead of low-code RPA. Thanks!
This matter has been solved.