Maven Build Error - downloading org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7 is failed

Hi, everyone

I am trying to build Maven project with Eclipse.
However, I am getting an error.

Eclipse says that downloading org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7 is failed
because it is impossible to access

According to what I found, the URL has been gone or its domain has been changed.

Could you tell me how to solve it?

Finally, I share log message Eclipse output.
[[1;34mINFO[m] Scanning for projects...
[[1;34mINFO[m] [1m-----------< [0;36mcom.novayre.jidoka.tutorial:robot-development[0;1m >------------[m
[[1;34mINFO[m] [1mBuilding robot-development-Dversion=0.0.1 Jidoka Robot 1.0-SNAPSHOT[m
[[1;34mINFO[m] [1m--------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------[m
[[1;34mINFO[m] [1m--- [0;32mmaven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean[m [1m(default-clean)[m @ [36mrobot-development[0;1m ---[m
[[1;34mINFO[m] Deleting C:\AppianRPA\AppianRPARbot-CustomJavaCode\robot-developmentguide-first-robot\robot-development\target
[[1;34mINFO[m] [1m--- [0;32mjidoka-maven-plugin:8.6.0:generate-resources[m [1m(generate-resources)[m @ [36mrobot-development[0;1m ---[m
[[1;34mINFO[m] Image support class creation not selected
[[1;34mINFO[m] [1m--- [0;32mmaven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources[m [1m(default-resources)[m @ [36mrobot-development[0;1m ---[m
[[1;34mINFO[m] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[[1;34mINFO[m] Copying 1 resource
[[1;34mINFO[m] [1m--- [0;32mmaven-compiler-plugin:3.2:compile[m [1m(default-compile)[m @ [36mrobot-development[0;1m ---[m
[[1;34mINFO[m] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[[1;34mINFO[m] Compiling 1 source file to C:\AppianRPA\AppianRPARbot-CustomJavaCode\robot-developmentguide-first-robot\robot-development\target\classes
[[1;34mINFO[m] [1m--- [0;32mjidoka-maven-plugin:8.6.0:process-classes[m [1m(process-classes)[m @ [36mrobot-development[0;1m ---[m
[[1;34mINFO[m] Found robot MyRobot
[[1;34mINFO[m] [1m--- [0;32mmaven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources[m [1m(default-testResources)[m @ [36mrobot-development[0;1m ---[m
[[1;34mINFO[m] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[[1;34mINFO[m] skip non existing resourceDirectory C:\AppianRPA\AppianRPARbot-CustomJavaCode\robot-developmentguide-first-robot\robot-development\src\test\resources
[[1;34mINFO[m] [1m--- [0;32mmaven-compiler-plugin:3.2:testCompile[m [1m(default-testCompile)[m @ [36mrobot-development[0;1m ---[m
[[1;34mINFO[m] No sources to compile
[[1;34mINFO[m] [1m--- [0;32mmaven-surefire-plugin:2.12.4:test[m [1m(default-test)[m @ [36mrobot-development[0;1m ---[m
[[1;34mINFO[m] [1m--- [0;32mmaven-jar-plugin:2.5:jar[m [1m(default-jar)[m @ [36mrobot-development[0;1m ---[m
[[1;34mINFO[m] Building jar: C:\AppianRPA\AppianRPARbot-CustomJavaCode\robot-developmentguide-first-robot\robot-development\target\robot-development-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
[[1;34mINFO[m] [1m>>> [0;32mmaven-source-plugin:3.2.1:jar[m [1m(attach-sources)[0;1m > [0;1mgenerate-sources[m @ [36mrobot-development[0;1m >>>[m
[[1;34mINFO[m] [1m<<< [0;32mmaven-source-plugin:3.2.1:jar[m [1m(attach-sources)[0;1m < [0;1mgenerate-sources[m @ [36mrobot-development[0;1m <<<[m
[[1;34mINFO[m] [1m--- [0;32mmaven-source-plugin:3.2.1:jar[m [1m(attach-sources)[m @ [36mrobot-development[0;1m ---[m
[[1;34mINFO[m] Building jar: C:\AppianRPA\AppianRPARbot-CustomJavaCode\robot-developmentguide-first-robot\robot-development\target\robot-development-1.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
[[1;34mINFO[m] [1m--- [0;32mmaven-install-plugin:2.4:install[m [1m(default-install)[m @ [36mrobot-development[0;1m ---[m
[[1;34mINFO[m] Installing C:\AppianRPA\AppianRPARbot-CustomJavaCode\robot-developmentguide-first-robot\robot-development\target\robot-development-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to C:\Users\yamamichim\.m2\repository\com\novayre\jidoka\tutorial\robot-development\1.0-SNAPSHOT\robot-development-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
[[1;34mINFO[m] Installing C:\AppianRPA\AppianRPARbot-CustomJavaCode\robot-developmentguide-first-robot\robot-development\pom.xml to C:\Users\yamamichim\.m2\repository\com\novayre\jidoka\tutorial\robot-development\1.0-SNAPSHOT\robot-development-1.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
[[1;34mINFO[m] Installing C:\AppianRPA\AppianRPARbot-CustomJavaCode\robot-developmentguide-first-robot\robot-development\target\robot-development-1.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar to C:\Users\yamamichim\.m2\repository\com\novayre\jidoka\tutorial\robot-development\1.0-SNAPSHOT\robot-development-1.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
[[1;34mINFO[m] [1m--- [0;32mmaven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy[m [1m(default-deploy)[m @ [36mrobot-development[0;1m ---[m
[[1;34mINFO[m] Downloading from novayre-snapshots:
[[1;33mWARNING[m] Could not transfer metadata com.novayre.jidoka.tutorial:robot-development:1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to novayre-snapshots ( transfer failed for, status: 503 Service Unavailable, proxy: ProxyInfo{host='', userName='null', port=8080, type='http', nonProxyHosts='null'}
[[1;34mINFO[m] [1m------------------------------------------------------------------------[m
[[1;34mINFO[m] [1;31mBUILD FAILURE[m
[[1;34mINFO[m] [1m------------------------------------------------------------------------[m
[[1;34mINFO[m] Total time: 30.344 s
[[1;34mINFO[m] Finished at: 2023-02-17T11:01:25+09:00
[[1;34mINFO[m] [1m------------------------------------------------------------------------[m
[[1;31mERROR[m] Failed to execute goal [32morg.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy[m [1m(default-deploy)[m on project [36mrobot-development[m: [1;31mFailed to retrieve remote metadata com.novayre.jidoka.tutorial:robot-development:1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml: Could not transfer metadata com.novayre.jidoka.tutorial:robot-development:1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to novayre-snapshots ( transfer failed for, status: 503 Service Unavailable, proxy: ProxyInfo{host='', userName='null', port=8080, type='http', nonProxyHosts='null'}[m -> [1m[Help 1][m
[[1;31mERROR[m] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the [1m-e[m switch.
[[1;31mERROR[m] Re-run Maven using the [1m-X[m switch to enable full debug logging.
[[1;31mERROR[m] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[[1;31mERROR[m] [1m[Help 1][m

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  • Please, can you tell me which guide or documentation you are following to create the robotic process in Appian RPA to try to reproduce your issue?

    On the other hand, to create a robotic task from scratch i would recommend you: 

    - Verify that your settings.xml file has the right jidoka server tag. For example: 




        <username>your user name</username>

        <password>your maven key</password>



    - In the Appian RPA console, create a new Robotic Process. Use the Blank Template

    - Once the robotic process is created, a zip file will be downloaded with the java code corresponding to this new robotic process

    - Unzip the file. Your will find a pom.xml file and the src directory with the java class. That pom.xml contains the specific profiles to upload your robots or libraries on your site. 

    - Import the project in eclipse. You should be able to deploy your new versions. Additionally, you can use that pom.xml file as pattern for new robotic tasks or libraries. 

  • Hi David

    Thank you for your repry.
    In this message, I will answer your question and tell you about an trouble I am getting.

    First, I will answer your question.
    -Please, can you tell me which guide or documentation you are following to create the robotic process in Appian RPA to try to reproduce your issue?
    ⇒This documentation I was following is below.

    From What I have thought when I read these, it is recommended that a sample of pom.xml is described in documentation.

    Next, I will tell you about an trouble I am getting.
    I replaced pom.xml which is in a zip file downloaded when the robotic process is created.
    I see Maven Build successful, but there is no my robot in the Appian RPA Console.
    Could you tell me how to solve it?


    Thank you in advance.

  • Hi:

    Once you were able to deploy you code in the Appian RPA console repository, You need to link that code to a previously created robotic task on the Appian RPA console.

    The way to link the code is configuring the technical information section

    In your pom.xml you have the data to fill in:

    Group -> groupId

    Robotic task -> artifactId

    Version -> version

    If everything is ok, you will be able to select the main class of your java project

    After defining the technical information, you will see in the RPA Actions Palette your java methods. 

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