Hi Everyone,
Good day! The appian RPA agent goes offline frequently in my local machine. I have installed the latest rpa-installer only. How to fix this issue? PFA for your reference. Thanks in advance!
1) Initial Status
2) Went offline within 1 minute
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Is there an ERROR message in the jidoka-client.log file? If so, the message may help further troubleshoot the root cause.
Hi Randall Richeson,
Thanks for your reply. As I am new to Appian RPA, May I know how to download "jidoka-client.log file"?
You can find this on the host machine where the agent is installed. Here is an example.
PFA for the screenshot of Error log
Also, PFA for the log file
It looks like there could be a certificate not trusted by the JVM based on the following message.
Caused by: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target.