Chrome Drivers

Has anyone else encountered Chrome driver errors while using Appian recently? I'm facing an issue and would appreciate any insights or solutions you might have to resolve this problem.

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  • The latest Chrome update (115+) prevents Appian to downloading and provide the appropriate driver version for your browser. In the meantime we update our process to retrieve it automatically, you can manually add the updated driver following these steps:

    1) Download the latest stable driver for your Chrome version here:

    2) From the zip downloaded we will need only "chromedriver.exe", please unzip that file from the package.

    3) In Appian RPA console go to Robotic Task > Support Files:

    4) Create a the following folder structure and upload the chromedriver.exe file there.
    - Windows/Mac -> Root > ChromeXXX > chromeWebDriver > chromedriver.exe
    - Linux -> Root > ChromeXXX > ChromeWebDriver > chromedriver.exe
    Please note these path are case sensitive.

    5) Go to your failed Robotic Task > Configuration > General Information and add the following label in "Permission tags" > ChromeXXX

    6) Please note in 4) and 5) ChromeXXX will be the current version of your Chrome (eg Chrome116)

    In order to let Appian auto-resolve the driver again when the fix is ready, you just need to remove the "Permission tags" added to your Robotic Tasks.

  • Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to miguelangel.carnero

    Thank you  I was trying to use Edge with RPA. The updated link to the advanced configuration is: Browser Actions - Appian 24.4

    I was able to manually upload MS Edge drivers. But could not find the checkbox "Allow Appian to Provide Latest Selenium Drivers" checkbox in the latest Community Edition.

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