I have a problem with a robotic task executed by a service account and the privileges to open a browser.
I created a robotic task that starts by opening a browser to download a PDF. When I manually execute the robotic task, it runs without any issues.
I'm using an execute robotic task node in a process to run this task. I created the integration with the connected system using an API Key from a valid user (Service Account). This user is included in the security settings of the objects related to the task.
When I run the process and the robotic task is executed, as the execution of the node is assigned to the Service Account user, I receive the following error:
"[STAT] - - <ACTION_START> - Start action 'browser->open-browser-v2' - 'Open browser' // dur: - - avg: - etc:[ERROR] - - Error code APNX-1-4530-000 with message "Unknown error. Please contact administrator with the following message: The user [Service Account user] does not have sufficient privileges to perform the requested action.." found for resource /api/v1/evaluate"
I don't know what i'm doing wrong or if it's not possible to open a browser in execute robotic task smart service.
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Hi alejandrov0003 ,
is that user is part of viewer group of 'robotic task' and 'connected system' security? if not add the service account user to that group
Hi Kiran,
Yes, the user is part of the group of the security of both objects.
To try to identify the problem, What is the value you put in the URL field?
If it is an expression, could you test to type manually the URL in the text field instead use an expression?
Hi David,
I use a pv! value. I have tried passing the URL directly, and it keeps failing. This issue only occurs when the robotic task is executed by the smart service within a process. However, if I execute it manually (test button), it opens the browser and navigates to the URL without any problems.
Hi alejandrov0003
The service account might be part of the secuity for the objects, but what level of permission have you allowed to the particular account. Please cross verify it.
Also at which action does the error message pop up? Is it at the Open brower action. If so it is quite strange.