Slowness / Unable Opening the browser

Certified Senior Developer


I am using RPA to create an automation which opens up a chrome browser, logs-in into a webiste, filters data and gets a file downloaded into the local host machine

There are 2 problems that I am facing 

1. It takes ages to even open up the browser 

2. While trying to open the browser, it searches for a chromewebdriver to be present inside its assets file in local host machine. Now even though there is a webdriver existing inside the host machine, it gives an error saying : 

WebDriver file does not exist. Attempting to auto resolve it from the console...

Can anyone help me in getting an idea so as to why such issues are happening ?

Screenshot 1 : describing issue 2 

Screenshot 2 : File present in the required destination

System specs : 

Chrome Version : 123.0.6312.87 (Official Build) (arm64)

OS : MAC M1 Pro

Java Version : 21.0.2

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  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer

    Hi  ,

    Using a Chrome browser for your RPA actions are quite troublesome, due to the fact that chrome is always updating itself. So it is a tough task to update your drivers every now and then.

    You can have 2 ways for this.

    1. Change your broswer to Mozilla Firefox of Edge for a more stable version.

    2. You can allow to provide the latest versions of selenium web drivers everytime. It helps you from doing it manually.

     I have attached a ss for a better understanding. Settings>Configuration>Security policies>Allow Appian to provide selenium web drivers 

    Hope this helps.!!

  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer

    Hi  ,

    Using a Chrome browser for your RPA actions are quite troublesome, due to the fact that chrome is always updating itself. So it is a tough task to update your drivers every now and then.

    You can have 2 ways for this.

    1. Change your broswer to Mozilla Firefox of Edge for a more stable version.

    2. You can allow to provide the latest versions of selenium web drivers everytime. It helps you from doing it manually.

     I have attached a ss for a better understanding. Settings>Configuration>Security policies>Allow Appian to provide selenium web drivers 

    Hope this helps.!!

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