RPA for Automated Testing - Clear Value Not Removing Previous Text During Edit Test - Just Adding New Text After Original Text - Appian 24.1 version

We are currently using Appian 24.1 version. I am testing out RPA as an option for automated testing and when I use the Interact with Element the Clear Value option is not working. Any suggestions?  I want to remove the original text with entirely new data and not just add to it when using the Update Value option.

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  • I forgot to mention I was working in Firefox. In Firefox ctrl+A opened the Manage Your Plug In page so I switched to Chrome and when I did the update value option worked without shortcuts by removing the original value and replacing it.

    In Firefox I had tried ctrl+A before ctrl+alt+left and it didn't work.  Only by using ctrl+alt+left did the background turn dark blue indicating selection. Of course I might have done something wrong but both methods didn't work in Firefox for me.

    I am going to report possible bugs for Firefox for update vale not clearing original data and clear value not working.