Hi Com,
I have tried to install RPA Agent in my laptop. However it shows greyed out in the taskbar. I followed the steps mentioned in the documentation-Intalled java 17
Changed system environment variable.My doubt is, if i wish to not opt for enable automatic sign in, i will not select the checkbox. I have directly installed the agent and run on laptop. But it is greyed out.Any other prerequisite that i am missing? is there any other framework or software needed to start the agent?
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Greyed out means Session is offline , you just need to restart it .
riyak9492 said:My doubt is, if i wish to not opt for enable automatic sign in, i will not select the checkbox. I have directly installed the agent and run on laptop. But it is greyed out.
To avoid these appian came up with automatic sign ins
Thanks for the response Venkat!I did a restart to my system, still it is greyed out.Also, any do you mean i have to restart from here as well?
Thank you for the response Venkat!I need to restart my laptop or i have to restart from operations console?Restart of the bot from operation console is disabled for me
It will show greyed out when the session is ended in your system ,Restart means start the robot session again by going from your system (Not restarting the system re-running the process ,right click from task manager), I don't think it will work from operation console.
First, uninstall the RPA Agent and delete the Appian RPA folder in the C drive (C:\Users\YourSystemName\AppData\Local). If the folder isn't deleted, restart your system and try again; I will delete it. Also, delete any previously downloaded Agent installers.
Next, install the new agent. Wait for 1 to 2 minutes, and the agent icon should appear automatically. If it doesn't, go to the Appian RPA folder and manually double-click on "AppianRPAagent.exe."
The auto sign-in option can be enabled based on your requirements, but it's not mandatory. No other software is required, and you should already be using Java 17 or above.
If the agent appears in grey, simply quit the agent and double-click on "AppianRPAagent.exe" again. You may need to wait 10 to 30 seconds for the agent to come online.