How to update a value of a local variable inside for each loop


How can I update the value of a local variable inside the for each loop, for eg I have an array of CDT items and whenever a condition matches inside the for each loop then I need to put that CDT item in a local variable and the value which I have used to check the condition in another variable. Below is the same code snippet, the snippet which is highlighted in red color text is what I need to achieve


local!CDTArray: {{AID: 1, GROSS_AMOUNT: 120000, NET_AMOUNT: 90000}, {AID: 2, GROSS_AMOUNT: 115000, NET_AMOUNT: 80000}, {AID: 3, GROSS_AMOUNT: 110000, NET_AMOUNT: 85000}, {AID: 4, GROSS_AMOUNT: 105000, NET_AMOUNT: 75000}}

local!unmatchedTotalAmt: {},

local!unmatchedCDTItem: {},


items: local!CDTArray,


if(fv!item.GROSS_AMOUNT <= 110000,


/* put the GROSS_AMOUNT value in local!unmatchedTotalAmt variable */

/* put the current CDT value in local!unmatchedCDTItem variable */







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