i have a picker field when i select some particular users names it has to show validation message else no
i have written like this but it is showing for all users whoever i select in picker field
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Check with below code, If it throws same error check the groups security.
if( not(isusernametaken(ri!approver_txt)), cons!CR_NEXT_AUTHORITY_VALIDATION_MESSAGE[2], if( ri!approver_txt = loggedInUser(), cons!CR_NEXT_AUTHORITY_VALIDATION_MESSAGE[1], if( a!isUserMemberOfGroup( ri!approver_txt, { cons!CR_GRP_ALL_CCC_USER_GROUP, cons!CR_GRP_BOARD_OF_DIRECTORS_GROUP } ), cons!CR_NEXT_AUTHORITY_VALIDATION_MESSAGE[3], null ) ) )
this logic will give this error
if( isusermemberofgroup( ri!approver_txt, { cons!CR_GRP_BOARD_OF_DIRECTORS_GROUP } ), cons!CR_NEXT_AUTHORITY_VALIDATION_MESSAGE[3], if( isusermemberofgroup( ri!approver_txt, { cons!CR_APP_GRP_HOC_GROUP, } ), cons!CR_NEXT_AUTHORITY_VALIDATION_MESSAGE[3], if( isusermemberofgroup( ri!approver_txt, { cons!CR_APP_GRP_DCEO_GROUP } ), cons!CR_NEXT_AUTHORITY_VALIDATION_MESSAGE[3], if( isusermemberofgroup( ri!approver_txt, { cons!CR_APP_GRP_CEO_GROUP } ), cons!CR_NEXT_AUTHORITY_VALIDATION_MESSAGE[3], null ) ) ) )
this worked
Please note also that if you're on a reasonably modern version of Appian, you should be using the newer function a!isUserMemberOfGroups(), which automatically handles checking many groups (and built-in logic for requiring the user to be a member of all listed groups or any listed groups).