Converting a string to an integer array

Certified Senior Developer
I have a form that captures user input to include multiple values via a checkbox field. The values are stored in a pv (integer array called pv!dataTypes_int). For example: (4;7;10), which are ids from another CDT used at a later point in the process to display data from the reference table. The integer array is then converted to a string and saved as part of a CDT (i.e., pv!newEula_cdt.dataType). In order to redisplay the values checked on that form, I have to convert the string of numbers to an integer but when I use the tointeger(pv!newEula_cdt.dataType) I get (4710). Is there a way to convert this string back to an integer and retain the semicolons?


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  • Ok - that's why you've seen the behaviour that you have. Putting 4;7;10 in a text rule input on the interface designer will not produce an array of three integers; it simply returns a string 6 characters long. I can see why you might expect this, though, as that's similar to the /designer behaviour when adding multiple values to a constant of type list of text.

    If you try with a rule input that is text multiple and add each the values you mention above separately, the earlier examples that use tointeger() will work just fine as you're then passing it a list of string rather than a single string.