Check document size after selecting document from uploader in a form sail

I have a form sail with a fileUploadField. When I select a file, I need to check the size and disable a button if is greather than 1MB.
The check is the following:

When a perform this check an error appear:

Interface Definition: Expression evaluation error: An error occurred while executing a save: Expression evaluation error at function 'document' [line 886]: Error evaluating function 'document' : Document Does Not Exist or has been Deleted

How can I resolve this problem?


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  • @emanueld874: I highly suggest using a custom expression rule such as the one I posted above to return the size property. As @jaisym posted above, the in-task rendering in 17.1 has changed such that it doesn't work the same way anymore - and since this is not an officially supported method, it's liable to change at any time without notice, meaning if you have it hardcoded into a form then they'd all break and all need to be manually updated (whereas if it's all in one expression rule, that rule could be updated to use the new logic).
  • @emanueld874: I highly suggest using a custom expression rule such as the one I posted above to return the size property. As @jaisym posted above, the in-task rendering in 17.1 has changed such that it doesn't work the same way anymore - and since this is not an officially supported method, it's liable to change at any time without notice, meaning if you have it hardcoded into a form then they'd all break and all need to be manually updated (whereas if it's all in one expression rule, that rule could be updated to use the new logic).
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