I have 2 questions related to an issue where it seems a form with a required fie

I have 2 questions related to an issue where it seems a form with a required field was somehow submitted with blank information:

1) Is it possible for required form on a field to actually allow the form to be submitted with blank information?
2) Is it possible for a CDT to fail to save an array?

Again, I am not sure how this happened, but it looks as though a user submitted a form with required fields, without actually filling in the fields. I have the process still in memory, and cannot see what would have allowed this behavior. This has never happened before, but I wanted to try and find out how this may have happened....



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  • Note that I can provide screenshots, etc. of the blank field from the in memory process if necessary.
  • 1) It is not possible for OOTB - Required Field feature to be able to submit the form without having entered value(s) for it(them). Unless we are designing the required capability using a gateway.
    2) I did not quite get your question on the CDT, but if you mean that
    a) can an array of CDT be saved then yes it can be
    b) can a CDT having multiple fields be saved, then yes it can be.
    c) can a CDT with multiple fields and out of those fields some of them are array, then yes they can be saved

    Also can you let us know if the behaviour is consistent when you use the same data for submission again? Also which component is not behaving the way you want it to be like a text field or a date field or ...?
  • A text field on a form will consider a space as data and will allow a user to submit the form if a space is put into a required field.
  • Steven,

    You're right, I just tried inputting both spaces and return lines into the field in question, and the form did submit. I was thrown off because the data in the database and the output for the CDT in the Appian process viewer literally has "", or a character with no spaces at all. Also, because the "" value got read into a later form, I could see that no spaces or return line characters were read onto the subsequent form. Basically, it seems like Appian will consolidate whitespace characters, but still allow them to be input and count as text in a required field. Does this sound accurate?