Columns Layout features in 17.2

Hi All,

In the image below, we have a screen like the first image, where

1.the first column is having all the links from link 1 to link 11, on which when we click on the link, we will be getting a screen next to those links in other colum

2. Upon clicking the link the screen again will have 2 columns(3 columns in the whole screen including the links)

3. Upon clicking the link2 I need a grid and after that below I need a section with 2 columns.


Can this be achieved if so could you please let me know, I am using 17.2. I am little confused on the screen when we click on link 2(how to get the grid and columns below)


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Here you need to use a!columnsLayout() as well as a!columnLayout() in an efficient way. yes we can achieve this by calling multiple a!columnLayout() inside a!columnsLayout() where again the a!columnLayout() will contain the a!columnsLayout() as it's contents{}.

    If you can prepare an interface and attach here, that will be easy to convert as per your desired one.
  • Hi Alok, we have tried using it, but what is exactly happening is , when I wrote a columnslayout and in which one column layout contains the links,
    and the second column contains the remaining stuff
    Due to which the section inside the second column layout and the grid are looking very small and the scroll bar is popping up which is making a space issues.

    Can we design it without having any space issue.?
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to harshav
    Can you attach the code so that it will be easy to debug
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to harshav

    if i understood your design idea properly, then i think this might work for you.

      local!grid: false(),
      local!secondLink: false(),
      local!items: {
          "fName": "A",
          "lName": "A1"
          "fName": "B",
          "lName": "B1"
        label: "Demo Form",
        contents: {
            contents: {
                columns: {
                    contents: {
                        columns: {
                            contents: {
                                links: a!dynamicLink(
                                  label: "Link1",
                                  value: true(),
                                  saveInto: local!secondLink
                                links: a!dynamicLink(
                                  label: "Link2",
                                  value: true(),
                                  saveInto: local!secondLink
                                links: a!dynamicLink(
                                  label: "Link3",
                                  value: true(),
                                  saveInto: local!secondLink
                                links: a!dynamicLink(
                                  label: "Link4",
                                  value: true(),
                                  saveInto: local!secondLink
                            contents: {
                                links: a!dynamicLink(
                                  label: "Click to Show grid and Further Sections",
                                  value: true(),
                                  saveInto: local!grid
                            showWhen: local!secondLink
                            contents: {
                                label: "Some Other Stuff"
                            showWhen: local!secondLink
            contents: {
                columns: {
                        contents: {
                            headerCells: {
                              a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "First Name"),
                              a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Last Name")
                            rows: a!forEach(
                              items: local!items,
                              expression: a!gridRowLayout(
                                contents: {
                                    value: fv!item.fName
                                    value: fv!item.lName
                        showWhen: local!grid
            label: "My Section",
            contents: {
                columns: {
                    contents: {
                        label: "First Column"
                    contents: {
                        label: "First Column"
            showWhen: local!grid

  • Thanks for the reply alok and that was great but what I was expecting is not this, we already tried this like calling the grid down of the links, but I am having the links in the full page of the form so when I call the grid down of those links it is looking odd, it would be perfect if we can get that grid in the place of "Click to show grid and further sections"

    Thanks for the code any ways :)
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to harshav
    Why don't you replacing the Link with Grid in above code? I think that should work out
  • It is not the concept of working out Alok,i can easily place the grid in place of the link but it is not looking good in the real time for me. it is only that I am thinking about the space which comes into picture, what I understood is the space will be there and the look and feel is not coming good for me
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