
Hi All,

We are getting this error while submitting the form which contains File Upload Field in 17.2 version.

Interface Definition: Expression evaluation error at function a!fileUploadField [line 53]: Error in a!forEach() expression during iteration 1: Expression evaluation error at function fn!content_appian_internal [line 12]: Error evaluating function fn!content_appian_internal : Invalid Content ID

Please suggest the workaround. File upload is not working

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  • I think the previously submitted replies are correct, but I'd just like to provide a little clarification on the matter. When you upload a document inside of a SAIL form, Appian generates a temporary document ID. It isn't until the form is submitted that Appian grants an uploaded document a permanent ID that can be used to reference the document. So, if you are attempting to reference the document ID inside of the foreach function, you'll run into issues because Appian will be attempting to look for a document that has not yet been persisted in the system. Consider chaining two forms together in your process model to reference a document ID that has been uploaded.
  • I think the previously submitted replies are correct, but I'd just like to provide a little clarification on the matter. When you upload a document inside of a SAIL form, Appian generates a temporary document ID. It isn't until the form is submitted that Appian grants an uploaded document a permanent ID that can be used to reference the document. So, if you are attempting to reference the document ID inside of the foreach function, you'll run into issues because Appian will be attempting to look for a document that has not yet been persisted in the system. Consider chaining two forms together in your process model to reference a document ID that has been uploaded.
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