Suggest box passing large amounts of data during Ajax call

Hi all, first up I'm a web dev and not an Appian dev, but am working on test automation for it.


I've noticed the suggest box we are using does a post and the response is very large, looking like minified JavaScript:

var $wnd = $wnd || window.parent;var __gwtModuleFunction = $wnd.tempo;var $sendStats = __gwtModuleFunction.__sendStats;$sendStats('moduleStartup', 'moduleEvalStart');var $gwt_version = "2.7.0";var $strongName = '1EA4E9E3EC744B66F18F21115AA0396F';var $gwt = {};var $doc = $wnd.document;var $moduleName, $moduleBase;function __gwtStartLoadingFragment(frag) {var fragFile = 'deferredjs/' + $strongName + '/' + frag + '.cache.js';return __gwtModuleFunction.__startLoadingFragment(fragFile);}function __gwtInstallCode(code) {return __gwtModuleFunction.__installRunAsyncCode(code);}function __gwt_isKnownPropertyValue(propName, propValue) {return __gwtModuleFunction.__gwt_isKnownPropertyValue(propName, propValue);}function __gwt_getMetaProperty(name) {return __gwtModuleFunction.__gwt_getMetaProperty(name);}var $stats = $wnd.__gwtStatsEvent ? function(a) {return $wnd.__gwtStatsEvent && $wnd.__gwtStatsEvent(a);} : null;var $sessionId = $wnd.__gwtStatsSessionId ? $wnd.__gwtStatsSessionId : null;function $(){}

function wb(){}
function yb(){}
function Ab(){}
function Cb(){}
function Od(){}
function Pd(){}
function Qd(){}



Chrome dev tools reports this as being around 25k, which seems far too large considering it is just returning a 9 digit integer. This has considerable performance ramifications.

Is this correct behavior, or are we doing something wrong here?


Thanks, Ben.

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