Hi Community,
I am very new to Appian tool and i am building a form but i want the form to be dynamic i.e. i want to change the options based on previous selection.
Please see the below image.
If user selects PECVD from dropdown menu then the checkbox just below it must have some values and user selects SABRE from dropdown list then it must show some different set of values for checkbox.
Similary if user selects a value from Checkbox a new dynamic checkbox should come saying Node affected C4 or Node affected SOLA etc. (Note here i want the label to be dynamic as well) based on upper checkbox list value. How should i do it? Where i should write rules for this ?
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I have used Application builder to build the application.
Below are generated code for Tools Affected and Nodes Affected fields.
if( ri!readOnly, a!textField( label: "Tools Affected", labelPosition: "ADJACENT", value: if( or(isnull(ri!record.toolsAffected), count(ri!record.toolsAffected.value)=0), "", joinarray(ri!record.toolsAffected.value, ", ") ), readOnly: true ), a!checkboxField( label: "Tools Affected", labelPosition: "ABOVE", instructions: "", helpTooltip: "", choiceLabels: local!toolsAffectedOptions.value, choiceValues: local!toolsAffectedOptions, value: ri!record.toolsAffected, saveInto: ri!record.toolsAffected, required: false ) )
if( ri!readOnly, a!textField( label: "Nodes Affected", labelPosition: "ADJACENT", value: if( or(isnull(ri!record.nodesAffected), count(ri!record.nodesAffected.value)=0), "", joinarray(ri!record.nodesAffected.value, ", ") ), readOnly: true ), a!checkboxField( label: "Tools Affected", labelPosition: "ABOVE", instructions: "", helpTooltip: "", choiceLabels: local!nodesAffectedOptions.value, choiceValues: local!nodesAffectedOptions, value: ri!record.nodesAffected, saveInto: ri!record.nodesAffected, required: false ) )
Can you help me with this ?