Dynamic document generation and download

HI All,


We have a requirement to generate a PDF document and download on click of a link.  to generate the PDF we use Generate PDF smart service and this needs a process to be executed execute.

The issue we need to generate the document in-flight and download it. 

User is viewing a report and user should be able to download the report data as PDF on click on a link provided on the report.

At the moment I have found any solution other than on click of the link to show another link to download.

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    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Steven Miccile

    In my brief live test before writing my prior comment, I quickly created a new process model with one script task node which sets a value to a particular PV, and what I found is that this value is passed back to the SAIL form successfully in the onSuccess() parameter of a!startProcess.

    Assuming this extrapolates out to running the process through some doc generation, it seems like it would work as needed.
