Display Full name in a Readonly a!PickerUserField/ User() function


I am using Appian v17.3 and I have encounter a problem when I was using a!pickerFieldUsers() function in SAIL

readOnly: true

The preview shows the full name 

But it fails when it goes to Tempo


The problem also happened when I use the user() function to get the full name

" ",

The preview shows the full name 

But it fails when it goes to Tempo


May I know why is that?

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  • This seems like a issue with the user security. (logged in user does not have viewer right to other user accounts) When you trying to see this in sail via tempo are you logging in as Basic user or admin user? first check if the user who is trying to see the user has access to this users. Also you can check in admin console what is the default user visibility settings. (If this is set in admin console then when a basic user logs in they will not be able to see any users in User record also except for him/her self) If it is set to not to see other users, basic users will not be able to view other users, hence you will get into this problem.

    Please do these checks and let us know if that is the case.

  • This seems like a issue with the user security. (logged in user does not have viewer right to other user accounts) When you trying to see this in sail via tempo are you logging in as Basic user or admin user? first check if the user who is trying to see the user has access to this users. Also you can check in admin console what is the default user visibility settings. (If this is set in admin console then when a basic user logs in they will not be able to see any users in User record also except for him/her self) If it is set to not to see other users, basic users will not be able to view other users, hence you will get into this problem.

    Please do these checks and let us know if that is the case.

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