User Function () Pulling data and writing back to Admin Console

I have created and Interface  where I have displayed the Following Fields:

FirstName, Last Name Phone And Email.

When the User initially logs into the application he will be directed to this form, I want to be able to pull the First Name, Last Name Email and Phone from the users table so that the  form shows this information. 

The user will then add there address and submit, I would like the address information that the user added to update the Users table (admin Console). I looked at using User Function however I am getting errors,The though process was to create a rule and assign it to the Interface. 


Any thoughts

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Parents Reply
  • If that is the only user-related requirement, then you're probably fine sticking with your current design paradigm. If you think you'll need more custom user-specific fields that aren't defined user attributes like first name, last name, and address, you'd likely be better off storing all user metadata in an external database table.
    Having some user data stored in Appian and other user data stored in the database would add complexity to accessing and updating the data.