How to display UI control in systematic manner?

Certified Associate Developer


I'm making one application where the controls are populating automatically on the basis of users selection.  The users are selecting those controls from other windows stand alone application and we are getting their selections  thorough API call. So if the field value is 1 we are displaying TextField,2 for number field, 3 for paragraph and so on. As users can select any number of controls it looks awkward when there the combination of paragraph field and other controls due to large size of paragraph field. Currently I'm displaying the selected controls in three column layout. Is there a way we can dynamically place controls so that it look good just like we are doing in quick apps? Below is one example which will help to clarify my requirement

eg: Suppose user has selected a textField,Paragraph Field and Number field. Then currently my o/p is coming something like


TextField    ParaGraphField     NumberField

but as I said paragraphField looks bigger as compare to other two fields. Can we arrange it like

TextField   ParagraphField


FYI: The requirement is dynamic, Hence it will be changing everytime. Can someone tell me whether its possible to achieve this? If yes then please guide me

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  • Vivek,

    Firstly, I would suggest using the height parameter of your paragraph fields to set them to "SHORT" to minimize the amount of space discrepancy. Secondly, AFAIK there's no way for Appian to automatically reorder your page, but you could set conditional logic where you run a count() on the number of fields that render as paragraphs, and then utilize showWhen() and if() statements to display fields in different orders.