Is there any way to create custom UI components that can be used in forms.For Ex

Is there any way to create custom UI components that can be used in forms.For Ex- I want to create an address component that should contain fields like Addr1,Addr2,Street,State,Zip etc that can be included in different forms.As of now let say if i have 10 different forms and i need to include the address firlds then in every form i have to create all these fields again and again....



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  • You create a process model only for the purpose of entering an address. For example you have one form and some logic to valide entered data.

    In your main process model you put some forms for entering data specific to the process and at one step you call the "Enter Address Form" process to aquire an address.

    This allows you to simplify each form and reuse the address form. But: It is not possible to let the user enter ALL data on a single form. When reading through best practices this is no very good idea either. Especially when you design for mobile devices.

    There is a plugin "Advanced Form Utils" which would allow you to load a section of a form dynamically. It is based on JS and not available on mobile.
  • You create a process model only for the purpose of entering an address. For example you have one form and some logic to valide entered data.

    In your main process model you put some forms for entering data specific to the process and at one step you call the "Enter Address Form" process to aquire an address.

    This allows you to simplify each form and reuse the address form. But: It is not possible to let the user enter ALL data on a single form. When reading through best practices this is no very good idea either. Especially when you design for mobile devices.

    There is a plugin "Advanced Form Utils" which would allow you to load a section of a form dynamically. It is based on JS and not available on mobile.
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