Conditionally Grey out ChoiceLabels for Checkbox field


Could anyone suggest how can we conditionally grey out only some of the choiceLabels for checkbox field while displaying all the choicelabels to the user.


thanks in advance

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    There is not a way to do this within the CheckboxField component.

    But for clarification, do you mean *labels* or *checkboxes*? I'm not sure what a "grayed out" label would look like.

    I had a use case for selectively disabling certain *checkboxes* in the past, and I was able to accomplish this by using an Editable Grid with Selection enabled - it works much the same except you can disable selection on a row-by-row basis.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    There is not a way to do this within the CheckboxField component.

    But for clarification, do you mean *labels* or *checkboxes*? I'm not sure what a "grayed out" label would look like.

    I had a use case for selectively disabling certain *checkboxes* in the past, and I was able to accomplish this by using an Editable Grid with Selection enabled - it works much the same except you can disable selection on a row-by-row basis.
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