Label Position "Collapsed" is not working for Checkbox field

Certified Lead Developer

Hi All,


My requirement is add a mandatory check to checkbox field and it should look something like this below.

* [] Too expensive


In order to achieve this, I can use Label position for checkbox as "COLLAPSED".

But When I used "COLLAPSED", its not working for me as I m using a values as a local variable which is declared inside with function.

But I want these  local variables to be declared inside with function as I need to refresh these on certain conditions.

So can anybody please suggest me how can I achieve this?


Thanks In Advance


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    I'm unclear on what you're trying to do or what specifically the "collapsed" condition has to do with it. For example, does it work as expected when you use another label postion other than "collapsed"? Maybe you could post a sample of the SAIL code you're trying to use and give some more detail as to what exactly is going wrong, or what you were hoping to achieve?
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    I'm unclear on what you're trying to do or what specifically the "collapsed" condition has to do with it. For example, does it work as expected when you use another label postion other than "collapsed"? Maybe you could post a sample of the SAIL code you're trying to use and give some more detail as to what exactly is going wrong, or what you were hoping to achieve?
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