how to show the different required message for the same field?

Certified Senior Developer


We have requirement like need to show different required message(dynamic message) for a particular field based on two different button clicks.

here are the more details like we have one comments field which is required for both the submit buttons with names like "Add More Info" and "Add More Comments" .

when the user clicks on "Add More Info" button without providing the comments then need to show the required message is like "comments required for More Information".

when the user clicks on "Add More Comments" button without providing the data to comments field then need to show the required message like "comments should not be blank"


Can some one suggest any way to achieve this...


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Hi, if your comments field is using a!paragraphField, you can take advantage of the "requiredMessage" parameter. If you store the value of the button click into a local variable, then you can do something like requireMessage: if(local!button = "Add More Info", message, if(local!button = "Add More Comments", other message)). Just make sure your buttons have validate set to true, otherwise the required messages won't show.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Hi, if your comments field is using a!paragraphField, you can take advantage of the "requiredMessage" parameter. If you store the value of the button click into a local variable, then you can do something like requireMessage: if(local!button = "Add More Info", message, if(local!button = "Add More Comments", other message)). Just make sure your buttons have validate set to true, otherwise the required messages won't show.