How to create, filter options with facet or dropdownfield, for a paging grid interface

Scenario: Have filter options with facet or dropdownfield, for a paging grid interface.

Tried face option but it keeps throwing an error:  Interface Definition: Expression evaluation error at function a!sideBySideLayout [line 23]: A side by side layout has an invalid value for “items”. Items must be null, a side by side item, or an array of side by side items. Received: Facet at index 1.

How to fix this error so that facet options for paging grid can be working? Below is the facet option code inside paging grid. The sidebysidelayout with facet option is inside  with() which has the paging grid.

NOTE: Prefer this way than Service Backed Record Type which shows News/RelationActions tabs which are not required for this business case. 

items: {
name: "Team",
options: a!forEach(
items: local!events,
expression: a!facetOption(
id: fv!index,
name: fv!item,
filter: a!queryFilter(
field: "Team",
operator: "=",
value: fv!item
dataCount: count(local!events)

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    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to anushas0002
    Appian currently has no way to remove the News / Related Actions tabs from the Record page, regardless of which record type we're talking about. The usual advice for developers is to train users to ignore these when they're not relevant, as there's no harm in them being there when they're not used.

    You could potentially build your own solution manually utilizing Reports and/or Sites, but it would be a tremendously higher amount of work (depending on what exactly you're trying to do) and you'd miss out on all the benefits of having a well-defined record type.