Disable row selection in editable grid

Certified Lead Developer


I have created an editable grid using entity backed record.Is there any way to disable the row if that particular row is being worked on by some other user i.e. if a user has already selected first row and another user opens that record view it should't allow him to select the first row.


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Are you referring to an editable grid on a SAIL form, or just a grid-style Record Type listing?

    If it's an editable grid (i.e. a!gridLayout) on a SAIL form, you can disable individual rows as long as you have the information to go on for this. The scenario I'm thinking of would require the main database table you're looking at to have an additional field i.e. "isInUse", and when user A starts working on a particular row (via an action or related action), you could set the "isInUse" flag to TRUE for that record, and be sure to set it back to FALSE when that user is finished. Then when user B accesses the editable grid, the rows that have TRUE for "isInUse" can be set to have their selection boxes disabled individually.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Are you referring to an editable grid on a SAIL form, or just a grid-style Record Type listing?

    If it's an editable grid (i.e. a!gridLayout) on a SAIL form, you can disable individual rows as long as you have the information to go on for this. The scenario I'm thinking of would require the main database table you're looking at to have an additional field i.e. "isInUse", and when user A starts working on a particular row (via an action or related action), you could set the "isInUse" flag to TRUE for that record, and be sure to set it back to FALSE when that user is finished. Then when user B accesses the editable grid, the rows that have TRUE for "isInUse" can be set to have their selection boxes disabled individually.