Editable grid with required fields and Add and Remove buttons of type submit.

Certified Senior Developer


We have a Use case like

Editable grid having 3 required fields of type like Name(text), Salary(float), commisstion(float),

Two Buttons of type Submit like AddEmployee and RemoveEmployee,(not inline add and delete buttons with editable grid)

Here are validations:

When we click on AddEmployee it should add new Row.

When we click on RemoveEmployee it should check whether the grid being selected at least one row. if not it should not submit and Validation message has to show.(its not inline Add or delete buttons)

We are facing the following challenges:


Select at lease one row validation message is displaying when the form loading. this has to show only when the button RemoveEmployee click. how to stop this validation message on Form Load.


Once I clicked on AddEmployee button new row being added with contains the required fields.

now when we clicked on RemoveEmployee Button its forcing us to enter the required fields. how to skip this required fields validations and validate only grid selected or not?

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