a!startProcessLink() open in a different/new tab?

Is there way when we click on a!startProcessLink() it opens in a different tab rather than the same tab?

I can do right click and open in new tab and it works. But i want to do this automatically on click of the link.

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  • +1
    Certified Senior Developer
    The following approach is not recommended, because the parameters might change anytime without prior notice.

    local!startLink: a!startProcessLink(
    processModel: [Process Model Constant],
    processParameters: [Parameters for the Process]
    links: a!safeLink(
    label: "Open",
    uri: "[Appian Site URL]/suite/tempo/start-process/" & local!startLink.processModelOpaqueId & "?parameters=" & local!startLink.cacheKey
  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to srinandhavin5120

    snapshot.docxHello Nandhavi,

    I have similar requirement to start process on a new tab, but my process need some parametreised variables to be passed while calling, hence I have used a local variable where I initialise the proccess variables and then this local variable is used inside the URI field of a!safelink.
    But am not getting the desired outout as each time the page loads with error message saying i do not have right permission, which is not true because i have all the required rights plus same configuration works when i directly use a!startProcessLink instead of a!safeLink

    But as i need to load the process in new tabe I have to use a!safeLink. could you please help me

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Preji P

    Hi Preji,

    I saw the document you have attached and see that the URI you have passed to the safe link does not seem valid. It should have the below format(xxxxxx to be replaced with your appian client+environment) to work -  

    uri: "https://xxxxxx.appiancloud.com/suite/tempo/start-process/" & local!startLink.processModelOpaqueId & "?parameters=" & local!startLink.cacheKey

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Preji P

    Hi Preji,

    I saw the document you have attached and see that the URI you have passed to the safe link does not seem valid. It should have the below format(xxxxxx to be replaced with your appian client+environment) to work -  

    uri: "https://xxxxxx.appiancloud.com/suite/tempo/start-process/" & local!startLink.processModelOpaqueId & "?parameters=" & local!startLink.cacheKey

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